Last weekend was the AgileCoachCamp 2012 (#accde12) in Rückersbach, Germany.
I got lucky and my spot on the waiting list came through. Willingness to share a double room with a stranger surely helped.
The seminar place was marvelous. It had more than half a dozen rooms for sessions and also two forum sized rooms for group meetings and big sessions. Food was awesome and the service very good. A very good spot for a retreat.
There were some socializing on the arrival day and my roommate turned out to be Michael Leber; who I met at the CAT trainer course.
We watched Germany win their game, nearly doomed by a projector shutting down.
“How many coaches & consultants do you need to abort the 90 second sequence?”.
Well, 40 were not enough. Thanks to the service personnel for helping us out.
Next morning we met at the forum room and we surely needed that space. Seventy people sitting in a circle was quite a sight. The opening session was facilitated and the organizers, sponsors and the Open Space format was introduced.
I had experience on a small scale with this format, but to see it working with so many people was cool.
And here came the typical problem… too many interesting sessions at the same time.
The day went by and I had some good sessions. Some planned ones I skipped and some chance ones I attended. And it was alright as it was.
We got some evening activities like Swing dancing and “Jazz & Agile” and some pretty good games; Pirate Fluxx the secret winner. It was so well sought after, that, even after patiently waiting, I didn’t manage to score a seat in the rounds. I surely have to try that one out.
Sunday was another great day. By now I knew quite some people and we used the breaks or the walking around for chitchat and some good discussions.
Leaving in the afternoon felt quite strange. Happyness mixed with sorrow.
For me it was a very worthwhile spent weekend.
I will blog about two sessions in particular:
2. Two Pronged Approach to Agile Transition.