For anyone looking for a child day care center, there is a new one in Hamburg East; between the area of Farmsen, Berne and Rahlstedt. Easily reachable with public transport and with convenient parking for car arrivals.
It is run by two experienced professionals, Mrs. Michelle Rose and Mrs. Patricia Vlasa.
Both have worked the last three years as a professional “Tagesmutter”. This is a official title for child day care persons. The education is funded by the government and takes around one and a half year to finish, before you get your certificate.
The ladies will cater to the needs of small babies, up to the age of three preferable.
Since the demand for English education is high, their educational concept includes the singing of English child rhymes and spoken English language.
They rented a location just for the purpose of child day care, the center is called Little Feet and you can see the location on Google Maps .
They have done a great job in furnishing it with cosy carpets, play toys and have two rooms available for sleeping and playing. Some photo collection is online to get a first impression.
If you are interested, how the state of Hamburg financially supports the parents, have a look.
Feel free to spread the word and help the two Tagesmütter to get their business up and running. If you know parents, who are looking for a child day care, sent them the link to the website, so they can contact them.